Plan Steps
When we first meet, we both want to answer two questions. Do we have a need to work together? Do we want to work together? If the answer is Yes then we provide you a cash flow statement and net worth statement along with a document checklist to complete for our next meeting.
Information Gathering
We will complete a detailed questionnaire reviewing this information then discuss your Vision, Values, and Goals.
Modeling Session
The data gathered from the second meeting is inputted into our software and we model your plan live. This meeting helps you understand where you are currently, where you are on-track, and areas where you can improve. We then build your ideal plan by continuing the things you are doing well, address any gaps, then include strategies to work towards your goals.
You will receive recommendations in each of the six areas of planning. This will help you move from your current plan to your ideal plan.
Monitor & Review
Salt Financial encourages regular, meaningful discussions with our clients throughout the year. We’ll update your progress while keeping you informed on market changes and circumstances that may affect your plan.